quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

Artigo de Cass Sunstein sobre Leis de proteção aos indivíduos X Liberdade Individual

Interessante artigo de Cass Sunstein, publicado pelo New York Review of Books de março/2013, sobre o conflito entre leis de proteção aos indivíduos (como a limitação da venda de cigarros, refrigerantes, a lei que criou uma proteção pública mais ampla para a população estadunidense, etc.) e a possível ofensa à liberdade individual.

“Mill’s claim has a great deal of intuitive appeal. But is it right? That is largely an empirical question, and it cannot be adequately answered by introspection and intuition. In recent decades, some of the most important research in social science, coming from psychologists and behavioral economists, has been trying to answer it. That research is having a significant influence on public officials throughout the world. Many believe that behavioral findings are cutting away at some of the foundations of Mill’s harm principle, because they show that people make a lot of mistakes, and that those mistakes can prove extremely damaging (...) Emphasizing these and related behavioral findings, many people have been arguing for a new form of paternalism, one that preserves freedom of choice, but that also steers citizens in directions that will make their lives go better by their own lights”


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